The Deeper Colors of Worship

Worship manifests often in songs, poems, speeches, carefully composed, as well as randomly presented to reflect the deep appreciation of an eternal being.
Different people, from different tribes and castes manifests worship in various ways. 
In short, everyone worships, employing numerous means. 
Worship is the unquenchable fire that elates the heart of an individual in the faith.

Worship can be expressed in words,as in songs, writings, as well as in actions, as in dances, stage plays and more. 
Why should we Worship? 
Worship transforms from complaint beings to grateful beings. 
Worship brings an individual to a point of humble surrender to the sovereign.
Worship brings out the best version of us.
Worship magnifies the miracles of existence.
Worship intensifies the meaning to life.
Worship averts misfortune.
Worship helps us to grow in faith and grace.
Worship invokes greater miracles in our life.
Worship elevates the mood and lightens the heart.
Worship drives off worries.
Worship unearths the strength within us and fortifies.
Worship keeps the heart young.
Worship requalifies for mercy of the eternal.
Worship reinstates peace and harmony.
Worship initiates deeper relations with the sovereign.
Worship gratifies the eternal.
How should we Worship?
True worship engages the heart, the soul, the mind, as well as the physical.
True worship is in spirit and truth.
True worship is always ongoing.
True worship constantly purges the soul of filth.
True worship fosters true and deep connection with the eternal.
True worship is an untiring habit.
True Worship radiates to influence our surroundings.
True worship deepens consecration to the sovereign.
How long should we Worship?
Worship should be a state of existence, 
it should always be ongoing.
Check out the message of worship in the track below,
Deep worship positions the heart aright with the sovereign, and keeps it refreshed on the daily, precluding all downcastness in spirit and body.
A Joyful heart is good medicine, Proverbs 17:22a

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